Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Heart2Heart Foundation Spreading Love on Valentine

Our very own doctor of love, Dr. Stephanie Oarhe will set many hearts on the path to finding LASTING LOVE at the True Love Relationship Conference 2017. This is a place to be during this valentine season.

20 Things You Didn't Know About Fat

  1. They’re doing something right out West. Sixty-six percent of Americans are overweight or obese, with the national obesity rate doubling between 1976 and 1999. But as of 2007, California was the only state not getting any fatter.
  2. The root of the problem? Depending on gender and how active they are, adults should eat 2,000 to 3,000 calories per day. U.S. agriculture now produces 3,900 calories of food per inhabitant per day.