Monday, January 12, 2009

Deal with it

C. E. Montague sound like a comment on the difficulty of overcoming addiction, when he said, ‘To possess your soul in patience, with all the skin and some of the flesh burnt off your face and hands, is a job for a boy compared with the pains of a man who has lived pretty long in the exhilarating world that drugs or strong waters seem to create and is trying to live now in the first bald desolation created by knocking them off.’

First, we must realise what we are dealing with. It is the mind that has been condition for a long period of time. We should also realised that it is not going to go away in one day since it wasn’t cultivated in one day. We need, understanding of the mind, patience, diligence, discipline and persistence.

Tools to deal with addiction
Understand the human mind: the human mind is a collection of the human experiences. Like a computer, it has strong receptors, which are able to function on their updating data in the storage device during booting section. Your brain can store and recall. Just before sleep concept.
Get enough Patience: To exercise power costs effort and demands courage. That is why so many fail to assert rights to which they are perfectly entitled— because a right is a kind of power but they are too lazy or too cowardly to exercise it. The virtues which cloak these faults are called patience and forbearance. The words of Friedrich Nietzsche
Diligence is required: you need the commitment of a soldier. I say no and I mean NO! I will consistently say no with everything I have until my change come. (Job 14:14-15)
Discipline is non-negotiable: what put you in this condition in the first place is lack of discipline, if you want to get out you must learn it. You must learn to do what you need not what you want. 50% of what our body wants, we don’t need because they are harmful.
Persistence will assist you there: nobody said it would not be painful. There will be days when you will feel like quitting. However, you must realise it is just a passage. A moment in time. It is a weaning process.
You need a life-coach: you need a guide and a guard. Someone you can conferred in and report to. Because of the nature of the human mind, if you were truly addicted, it is almost impossible to pull out of it alone. Talking to your coach is like vomiting the nausea of some cancerous nicotine (your past). When all the vomits are out, your mind will now be normal enough to receive new information.
You need a gym and a field: this indicates both where you can exercise what you will learn and friends or family who are normal and will understand you and encourage you. It also means change of environment, friends and several other habits connected to your addiction.

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